Culture, Traditions and Actions of Citizens of Conscience

The cultural habits, rituals and traditions of the Citizens of the Republic Of Conscience are as many and as diverse as the cultures we come from and the variety of behaviours,  personal habits and traditions we practice. That means there are no “correct” or “authorized” traditions or observances, but instead, the complete freedom to choose, practice and share your insights with other open-minded people.

It is your RIGHT to practice what you believe to be good for you and the community at large.


It is your OBLIGATION to RESPECT, not argue about and not interfere with the beliefs of others.

Frequency of LOVE

LOVEWednesdayThe ENERGY of the Republic Of Conscience vibrates at the Frequency of LOVE.

L.O.V.E. means “Lifestyle Of Voluntary Effort” – the easiest way to achieve LOHHAS – a Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness And Sustainability.

Every Wednesday, Citizens of the Republic Of Conscience make a special effort to SMILE ~ CHANGE ~ UNPLUG_\!/ …to practice channeling their L.O.V.E. ENERGY into POSITIVE ACTIONS that improve humanity.


However the Republic Of Conscience does have a few “inclusive”  Personal Habits, Traditions, Attitudes and Actions we encourage all people within the Republic Of Conscience to participate in..

3 Finger Greeting, Acknowledgment and Validation


3 Finger Wednesday

Also Known As (AKA): Balance Day, WasteFree Day. On this day in the middle of each week we make a special effort to SMILE~CHANGE~UNPLUG_\!/

SEE the T

A practice of having your camera ready to “SEE” street fashion and T-shirts that promote a positive message. Use proper SustainaQuette when asking the person wearing the T-Shirt if it is OK to take a photo of the T-Shirt while also sharing the 3 Finger gesture. “SEE the T” spreads the 3 Finger Culture around the world in a POSITIVE way and recognizes individuals for their choice of “Part Of the Solution” T-Shirt. Extra Bonus Points for capturing the “Reverse Pyramid/ Inverted Pyramid” symbol of the Republic Of Conscience_\!/



SustainaQuette the the Social Etiquette of the 21st Century – how do we get along together in a globalized world of unsustainable commercialized cultures that are often in conflict with a harmonized SOCIETY, ENVIRONMENT and even the local ECONOMY?


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