Taking inspiration from the “BLOCKCHAIN summit” Necker Island meeting of Sir Richard Branson (above) over the past two years, the Republic Of Conscience will organize a meeting as soon as possible to bring together “Celebrities” from the world of BLOCKCHAIN and CRYPTOCURRENCY for a special retreat and workshop
Join us for the world’s first 3rd Sector Support and 3DDAO financing meeting – the exclusive BLOCKCHAIN island meeting this summer, 2016.
If you are a “3Citizen” (someone who understands and facilitates/ supports relationships with the 3rd Sector) you are much needed and respected.
The Exclusive BLOCKCHAIN ISLAND MEETING is open to philantropists from IT, BLOCKCHAIN related companies, CRYPOCURRENCIES, (BITCOIN, ETHERIUM, ALT CURRENCIES), and others who support the industry.
Contact: Philip.McMaster (a] hot mail com
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