News from around The Republic Of Conscience
SustainaClaus the Sustainable Santa is taking the Silk Road to Paris, arriving in PARIS on “3 Finger Wednesday” – NOVEMBER 25 – … a FULL MONTH before his usual global voyage on “X”-Mas eve.
During the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, SustainaClaus is bringing the GIFT OF SUSTAINABILITY and 3 Way Thinking to PARIS based on the 3 Finger Philosophy of the Republic Of Conscience_\!/
TryJi is a New DIY Form of Sport, Fitness and Physiotherapy…
Based on ancient and modern disciplines of sport, meditation fitness and mindfulness from cultures around the world.. TaiChi, Yoga, Pilates, Kung Fu, Calisthenics, and many others.
It’s a DIY (Do It Yourself) activity customized to your needs, interests and goals.
TRYji was developed by the founder of Explorasport Adventure Coordination Group in response to treating his own personal back injury and the need for a new and engaging form of exercise, customizable to specific, desired goals and motivating toward general physical participation in sport and exercise.
Captain Competence…
The DIY Captain helps you navigate through modern life… how do we simplify? get back to basics and the joys of AUTHENTIC living?
We need to build our COMPETENCE, the ability to “Do It Yourself” and work in harmony with others to achieve our goals.
The Silk Road Map to PARIS and 3 Finger Challenge Opportunity
The world is preparing for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in PARIS, December 2015.. and citizens of the Republic Of Conscience are in the forefront of the effort to show how we can achieve a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS).
In China, it’s the “Spirit Of Bethune” that drives the effort toward simple, sustainable, meaningful living.
Around the world it’s Captain Competence (see other news), Ambassadors Of Change, Change Agents and Models Of Sustainability who are revealing and sharing the Secret Of Sustainability_\!/
Nanmu Tree Table
“Meeting on the Nanmu Tree Table” Important Strategic Member Meetings of the World Sustainability Organization, China CODE, McMaster Institute and World Sustainability Projects gather around an ancient Table near Beijing, China.
The power and magnificence of the natural world can be felt in the massive NanmuTree Table, focusing and tempering discussion, bringing discussion and debate back to the center, reminding us that our human actions have long term consequences on the natural world.
In an effort to foster collaboration between people, the NanmuTree Table attracts civil society, business and political sustainability luminaries not only for serious discussion, but also for fun. Meetings begin with introductions and games of charades and word games throughout encourage jokes and light-hearted commentary. The objective of the meetings is to build collaborative effort, identify and share resources and “make things happen”.
The unique and peaceful setting of the NanmuTree Table, at the Hot Springs Polo Ranch includes horses, dogs, fine food and wine from the surrounding vinyards.
Get nominated and invited to join difference-makers at the NanmuTree Table. Philip.McMaster {.a] hotmail com
Subjects: SilkRoadmap to PARIS, Caravan Of Care, Barefoot Engineers, FootPrint Doctors and more.
“Republic Of Conscience” in PUBLISHING NEWS
Former United States senator Gary Hart has written a book to be released June 30th 2015 with same name as our Republic Of Conscience, but with a narrow focus on one country – the United States of America.
We have not reviewed the book, but congratulate Mr. Hart for “tackling major American institutions—the military, the CIA, Congress—and outlining how these establishments have led the country away from its founding principles, not closer to them.”
As many know, our Republic Of Conscience was inspired by the late Irish Poet Seamus Heaney and virtually created by the World Sustainability Organization as a supranational “State of Mind”
In the description of the book by Hart, he says that in the U.S., “the idea of a true republic has been threatened by narrow, special interests taking precedence over the commonwealth”.
Many of the citizens of our world-wide Republic Of Conscience (not only living in the narrow, self interested, “exceptionalist /nationalist” state being written about) agree that the former “beacon of democracy and peace” is suffering from a lack of participation and citizenship in our world-wide Republic Of Conscience_\!/
The Fifth Green Planet Forum, May 23rd, 2015
Shanghai International Design Center
Philip McMaster, (大龙DaLong) is the co-founder of the Peace Plus One –World Sustainability Project , “3 Finger Challenge” and this summer’s”China Silk RoadMap to PARIS 2015” an effort to put CHINA on the World Map as the fastest growing Ecological Civilization.
Philip has been an MBA teacher, inventor, developer, executive, entrepreneur and founder of many socially-minded organizations in Canada, China and around the world.
DaLong’s passion is sharing the 3 Finger Philosophy and helping people to learn to “Think 3 Ways” critical, systems and creative thinking about Society, Environment and Economy and he’s on a TALENT SEARCH looking for musicians, artists and creative models to expand the philosophy
Every Wednesday is a holiday for citizens of the Republic of Conscience, the day when we SMILE, CHANGE and UNPLUG_\!/
To raise money for the World Sustainability Project, Mr. McMaster has acted in many advertisements, TV series, Docudramas and Films, as doctors, scientists and captains -notably as Dr. Norman Bethune and Sigmund Freud. Philip will appear in the June issue of Esquire Magazine in a 10 page photo shoot and the LIVE EARTH concert June 18th. You can search for more at: “3FingerW”
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