The Republic Of Conscience now has travel posters available, and invites you to share your TRAVEL POSTER IDEAS for the Republic Of Conscience with the world –
go to the Travel Promotion Bureau for more ideas and slogans for TRAVEL POSTERS
Today is the day we SMILE~CHANGE~UNPLUG to live a LOHHAS Lifestyle.
Visit to learn the fun stuff you can do..
NOTE: This Year both Christmas and New Year Holiday occur on 3 Finger Wednesday – Let’s Celebrate People, not Products_\!/
In this 3 Finger Wednesday message, SustainaClaus and “LCP” the Low Carbon Panda remind us to share our happiness FACE to FACE – SustainaClaus and LCP ask you to spend more time with your family and friends
– stop the crazy, empty consumerism and wasting money and time…
– put MEANING back in your life, think about what the gifts are replacing
– make memorable hand-made gifts from the heart,
and “X” off your gift list the things you and your loved ones don’t need…
A sad reminder of the pressures associated with this “Consuming Season” … where people are driven to extremes by living outside the Republic Of Conscience.. illustrated here, where a young man took his own life escaping the demands of a greedy conscience:
Chinese Bitcoin Expert Chandler and Philip McMaster from the Republic Of Conscience deliver “Bitcoin News” from China:
Chandler and Philip McMaster
Series of 5 Videos describing the World Sustainability Project, the Republic Of Conscience and Caring Currency
Mandela is an icon and honoured leader of the Republic Of Conscience … his spirit and conscience is now redistributed to all of us. He has earned his rest, now it is YOUR turn.
This holiday season, we’re thinking about our friends, family and planet and we want to do something nice for everyone –
SustainaCLAUS is checking our lists 3 TIMES – to SEE BALANCE between Society, Environment and Economy and if we have been bad or good , so be GOOD for Goodness sake_\!/
So, this Holiday Season… THINK about what you are doing with your money… try making something by hand and from the heart.. if you must spend money – invest in your local community, purchase only what you need, buy from those who really appreciate your patronage.
Stop wasting and start sharing…
Please Help with the foundation of the Republic Of Conscience if you have Bitcoin, please contribute generously.
Please send us the name you wish to be known by and confirmation of how much currency you sent, if you want to be listed as a supporter of the World Sustainability Project and a founder of the Republic Of Conscience, send us the details by email, at: RepublicOfConscience [a} gmail
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